The Boréal runners club is managed by a dynamic executive team focused on giving its members the best running and training experience.
President - Jean Barrette
Vice-president - Ricardo Manata
Treasurer - Brian Gibb
Secretary (excl. note taking) - Brian Gibb
Webmaster - Martin Gadbois
Boreal Clothing - Liane Babes
Monday Training Leader - Tao Ji
Wednesday Track Leader - David Carrier
Saturday Training Leader - Ricardo Manata
Ad Hoc Training - Jean-Claude Calabro
Social Coordinator - Tanya Wharton & Julie Lapointe
Membership Coordination - Alex Gombos & Julie Lapointe
Race Director - Jean Barrette & Alain Moureaux
Note: All general inquiries about our club from non-members should be directed to
Other contacts:
Coach - Olivier Roy-Baillargeon
Assistant Coach - Francois Jarry
Boreal Calendar Updates - Brian Gibb